Honza Zamojski
nato nel 1981 a Poznan (PL), vive e lavora a Poznan
Artista ospite a Villa Romana: Aprile 2013
2002 – 2008
Accademia di Belle Arti, Dipartimento Arti grafiche, Poznan
Premi e borse di studio
Young Art Medal, assegnato dalla Glos Wielkopolski
Views, Deutsche Bank Foundation Medaglia di bronzo per How I’ve met the devil
Best Book Design from all over the World, Lipsia
Distinzione per How I’ve met the devil book, al 50th Most Beautiful Books of the 2009
Borsa di studio del Ministero della Cultura e del Patrimonio Nazionale come parte del Fundusz Promocji Twórczości Residenza a Triangle Art Association, New York
Projekt piramidy (2010 - 2013),
Progetto della Anarchia
Piramide (2012), animazione e ready-made,
patate, costruzione in legno veduta della mostra,
dimensioni variabili
Mostre personali
New drawings, portraits and a poem, Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok
MDRNBDSM, Bunkier Sztuki, Cracovia
Monumental Statues, KIM?, Riga, LETT
Me, Myself and I, Galeria LETO, Varsavia
I see things, Cleopatra’s New York, New York
Not there., Galeria Działań, Varsavia
Untitled, Galeria Start, Varsavia
Mostre colletive
Take 5, CoCA Torun, Torun, PL
Banners & Diaries, Artisterium, Tbilisi
Respect paper, Piktogram/BLA, Varsavia
Transatlantic, Frieze Art Fair, New York
Makeshift, Galeria Arsenal, Poznan
GRADIENT, Cleopatra's Berlin, Berlino
Views, Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Varsavia
15th Tallinn Print Triennial, Tallinn
Seeing New York, Czech Centre New York, New York
We Redefine When We Come of Age (1976-1987), Kulturhuset Toldkammeret, Helselselsingngør, SE
Accretations, SKUC Gallery, Lubiana
Homo Sentimentalis, Galeria Starter, Poznan
Not there – Miks Mitrevics + Honza Zamojski, Leto Gallery, Varsavia
Difference Beyond Difference, Stary Browar, Poznan
Disappear by the Vistula, projekt, Varsavia
You want, but you can’t. FAIR ENOUGH, Daiktu Viesbutis, Vilnius
SURVIVAL #7 – Young Art in Extreme Condition, Breslavia
A!, Galeria Arsenal, Poznan
Tribute to Wróblewski, Program Art Gallery, Varsavia
We Came From Beyond, Galeria Starter, Poznan
Manual CC, Kronika Gallery, Beuthen, PL
We are here, Museum of Art, Sillein, SK