Benji Boyadgian
geboren 1983 in Jerusalem, lebt und arbeitet in Jerusalem
Benji Boyadgian ist Gastkünstler in der Villa Romana im Oktober und November 2019, in Kooperation mit der Al Ma'mal Foundation of Contemporary Art, Jerusalem.
2003 - 2009
Master of Arts in Architektur mit einem Schwerpunkt in Stadtsoziologie, Ecole Normale Supérieur d’Architecture de Paris la Villette, Paris
California College of the Arts (CCA), Austauschprogramm, San Francisco, US
Preise und Stipendien
Konstnärsnämnden IASPIS, Stockholm
European Mediterranean Art Association, Nicosia
Jonatan Benjamin Boyadgian, Refractions, the Anthroposphere, 2017
Foto: Martin Boyadgian
The Discord, Al Ma’mal Foundation of Contemporary Arts und Anadiel Gallery, Jerusalem
Traces, Art Rooms, Kyrenia, CY
A Journey into Abstrabesque, Al Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art, Jerusalem
Vanishing Landscapes, Al Kahf Gallery, Bethlehem, IS
The Jerusalem show IX: Jerusalem Actual and Possible, Al Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art, Jerusalem
CROSSECTIONS, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Wien
AQUA, artisti su un’isola per la tutela dell’acqua, Isola dei Pescatori, Stresa, Lago Maggiore, IT
Shifting Ground, Sharjah Biennial 13 Offsite, Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah, PS
The Mount Analogue, Standart 2017, Contemporary Art Triennial in Armenia, Gyumri, AM
Shared Sacred Sites, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, GR
Around About, Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah, PS
AQUA, Contemporary Artists and Water Issues, Chateau de Penthes, Geneva, SESC Belenzinho, Sao Paolo, BR
The Jerusalem Show VIII: ‘Before and After Origins’, Al Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art, Jerusalem
De lova de oss en skola, de lovade en Simhall, Skånes konstförening, Lund, SE
Lines of passage (in media res), Municipal Art Gallery, Lesvos, GR
Shared Religious Sites, Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations (MuCEM), Marseille, FR
Line, Art Rooms, Kyrenia, CY
Stepping Over the Borders, European Mediterranean Art Association (EMMA), Nicosia
The Jerusalem Show VII: Fractures, Al Ma’mal Foundation, Jerusalem
Spinning On An Axis, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Wien
CLOGGED , Sharjah Biennial 13 Offsite, Shifting Ground, Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah, PS
Conversation around a roundabout, gemeinsam mit dem Künstler Behzad Khorvasi, American University of Beirut
Conversation around a roundabout, gemeinsam mit dem Künstler Behzad Khorvasi, Goethe Institute Ramallah, PS
FLYING CARPET #14: Benji Boyadgian. BEYOND THE DAILY ROUTINE, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee,
The Project Room, Stockholm
Beyond the daily routine, in Kollaboration mit dem Stadtsoziologen Yoann Morvan, Al Naja University Nablus, PS
Toward an urbanscape of homogenous chaos, The development of Bethlehem in the last century,
Royal institute of Art and IASPIS, Stockholm
2017 - 2018
Internationale Kunstakademie, Birzeit, PS
Lehreraustauschprogramm, Konstfack, Stockholm
2015 - 2016
Internationale Kunstakademie, Ramallah, PS
2013 - 2015
Art Lab und Al Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art, Jerusalem