18 Oct 19 Oct 2014
Histories of Publishing
The symposium is a parallel event to the exhibition WORD+MOIST PRESS (10 October -07 November 2014) by Juan Pablo Macías.
Saturday, 18 October 2014
11 am
Maíra das Neves and Kadija de Paula
3 pm
Anti-Book, Materialities Of Communist Publishing
Dr. Nicholas Thoburn
5 pm
Osvaldo, Publishing and Struggle
Federico Bacci
Sunday, 19 October 2014
11 am
A Small Excavation Of Radical Print Culture Through Anecdote And Example
Christopher Jones
5 pm
Autonomous and Libertarian Productions
Massimo Mazzone
Maíra das Neves and Kadija de Paula are artists and agents at Agência Transitiva, a space-vehicle in Rio de Janeiro for actions and non-conventional studies in art, politics, and history of ideas.
Federico Bacci has a past that often comes back. He has been cinema director, documentary filmmaker, screenwriter and radio author. Since 2009, along with Lucia Giardino he curates GuilmiArtProject, a residency program in Abruzzo.
Christopher Jones is part of the 56a infoshop radical social centre in London and a member of the political sound art group Ultra-red.
Massimo Mazzone is an artist and activist. He carries on a research based on the historic relations between body, sculpture and architecture; namely social sculpture. He is spokesman of the international study group Escuela Moderna/Ateneo Libertario.
Dr. Nicholas Thoburn has published on media aesthetics, cultural theory, and politics. He is author of Deleuze, Marx and Politics and the forthcoming Anti-Book: Material Text and the Art of Political Publishing. He lectures in Sociology at the University of Manchester.
With the support of Brice Delarue from Zirkumflex Berlin.