born 1983 in São Paulo, lives and works between Salvador and Fortaleza in Brazil and Berlin, Germany
Villa Romana Fellow 2021
photo: João Henrique Machado, Archive © Studio Musa Michelle Mattiuzzi
Musa Michelle Mattiuzzi, Experiencing the flooding red, 2016, 7'53'', videostill, Archive © Studio Musa Michelle Mattiuzzi
Musa Michelle Mattiuzzi, Abolition Garden, 2020, 3D illustration: Victor Delaqua, Archive © Studio Musa Michelle Mattiuzzi
Rebelians of Pleasure, with Safira Moreira, May Irineu, Rajan Irineu, Caique Mello, Maque Pereyra, Mzamo Nondlwana, in the frame of Power and Privilege, WienWoche Festival, AT
2021, Echoes of the South Atlantic, with Jota Mombaça, HKW, Berlin/NGO - Nothing Gets Organized/Rethinking the aesthetics of the colony, Johannesburg, SA
Black Performance as a radical imagination, Centro de Residencias Artísticas MATADERO, Madrid
Collective Exhibitions and Projects (selection)
Rethinking aesthetics of the colony, Echoes of the South Atlantic, with Denise Ferreira da Silva and Jota Mombaça, Goethe Institut São Paulo, BR
experiencing the flooding red and 2021, with Jota Mombaça, 34a Bienal de São Paulo, BR
Feminismo(s) Visualidade, Ações e Afetos, 12. Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre, BR
Love and Ethnology: The Colonial Dialectic of Sensitivity (after Hubert Fichte), Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
À Nordeste, SESC 24 de Maio, São Paulo, BR
experiencing the flooding red, as part of Alma nos olhos, 48. International Film Festival Rotterdam, NL
2118 - Mapeamento de Vídeo, with Caio Fazolin United VJ no SESC Av, Paulista, São Paulo, BR
A dívida impagável, performance audiovisual festival RISCO, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, BR
Agora somos todxs negrxs? Videobrasil, São Paulo, BR
Incerteza Viva. As OIP - Oficina de Imaginação Política, 32a Bienal de São Paulo, BR